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The Biggest Rooftop Restaurant in Arizona, 99 Ranch Market, and More Food News
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It’s Friday. We have five big bites of food and drink news to catch you up on the week’s events. Here comes your recap

Here Comes the Third Ingo’s Tasty Food

LGO Hospitality is now opening a third location of Ingo’s Tasty Food in addition to the second one coming to downtown Phoenix (101 East Washington Street, #110) this summer. The third spot will be in north Scottsdale at Scottsdale Road and Mayo Boulevard near the new Buck & Rider (18545 North Allied Way in the Shops at Chauncey Ranch). Both new Ingo's will have the same burgers, salads, and cocktails as the original Arcadia location. But the Scottsdale one is slated for a mid-2022 opening.

99 Ranch Market Has Opened in Chandler

The California-based Asian supermarket chain 99 Ranch Market is debuting its first Arizona location this week in Chandler. Set at the Chandler Ranch shopping center at 1920 West Chandler Boulevard, the 44,085-square-foot market will offer Asian seafood, dry goods, a produce area and deli, and an impressive food court. Tenants include Nine Wings, Jin Tofu Village, Veggie Village, Meet Fresh, Kura Revolving Sushi Bar, Uncle Lee's Kitchen, and more.

Get ready for an 18,000 square foot rooftop restaurant.

Get ready for an 18,000 square foot rooftop restaurant.

The Global Ambassador Hotel

The Global Ambassador Hotel Will Have a Huge Rooftop Restaurant

Sam Fox, the restaurateur behind Fox Restaurant Concepts (Culinary Dropout, Wildflower, Zinburger, etc.), is getting into the hotel business. The Global Ambassador will be a 141-room luxury hotel at 4455 East Camelback Road. But with lodging comes dining, and Global will offer five original dining venues, including an 18,000 square foot rooftop restaurant yielding killer views of Camelback Mountain. This will apparently be the largest rooftop restaurant in the state upon opening in fall 2023.

The Tacos Chiwas People Pop Off Cocina Chiwas

Tempe is awash in taco joints. But that doesn’t mean its residents aren’t stoked to hear about Cocina Chiwas opening in the east Valley city sometime in 2022. The owners of Chiwas Tacos, Nadia Holguin and Armando Hernandez, are opening the new concept, which focuses on entrees from Sonora, Chihuahua, and Sinaloa. Cocina Chiwas will be one of the dining options at Culdesac Tempe — a 1,000 resident, car-free neighborhood in the works between McClintock and Price drives and Apache Boulevard.

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