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New Italian restaurant opens up in The Parade
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A new Italian restaurant has opened up in Watford town centre.

Fratelli, described as an authentic Italian restaurant in The Parade, has opened up replacing the former popular restaurant Zinco.

The new restaurant has replaced the location of the much-loved Italian joint, and features a big outdoor seating area that is well suited for the current Covid restrictions in place.

Fratelli is a family-owned restaurant of four brothers, who have 20 years of experience in the restaurant industry.

The name Fratelli translates to brothers in English.

According to the website, the restaurant is currently not taking bookings and is only accepting walk ins.

The menu itself ranges from traditional Italian foods such pastas, pizzas, risottos and other popular dishes.

Following the grand opening on April 12, the restaurant is offering 20 per cent off the bill up until the end of the month.

Zinco, the former restaurant at the site, permanently shut its doors last year amid the Coivd pandemic after Zinco Restaurants Ltd was dissolved.

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