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Every Restaurant Opening and Closing This Week
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Before Highland Tap & Burger and Uncle moved into a row of storefronts at West 32nd Avenue and Vallejo Street, there was a divey Mexican bar and taqueria on the block called Aztec Sol. It was a little rough, the kind of place where fists might fly if you didn't follow the proper pool-table etiquette. But the tacos were great and the selection of tequila rivaled anywhere in town at the time — even the fancy gringo places.

And you don't even have to look back a decade (Aztec Sol closed in 2011) to remember nearby Dickinson Plaza, home to a couple of local sandwich and coffee shops, among other retail shops. Dickinson Plaza was purchased and torn down in 2016, displacing Fat Jack's Subs, Laughing Latte and Mary Jane's Pizza in the process, and a new mixed-use development arose in its place. New shops, bars and cafes moved in, including Lady Jane (a great cocktail bar, if far fancier than any of its predecessors), Method Collective (an outpost of a locally owned coffee roaster) — and now, Bartaco. This is the second Bartaco in the metro area — a Boulder location opened a couple of years ago — and one of many located in eleven states. The concept is owned by the same corporation that put Barcelona Wine Bar on Larimer Street, the same group that also owns Del Frisco's. So tacos and tequila are back on the block; if you go, tip one out for Aztec Sol. But don't overlook Patzcuaro's, Taqueria La Familia and La Grande Mexicana, three longstanding Mexican restaurants just a few blocks west.

Kyle's Kitchen on Tennyson Street became Nug Nugs Diner last year, but the breakfast joint didn't stand much of a chance during the pandemic. It's now closed, and the space will soon become Lucy's, specialize in Minnesota-style juicy Lucy burgers — with molten cheese inside the patty.

Here's our complete list of openings and closings this week:

Restaurants and Bars Opening This Week*

Bartaco, 2001 West 32nd Avenue

Hollan Dazed, 1275 East First Avenue, Broomfield

Restaurants and Bars Closing This Week*

Nug Nugs Diner (formerly Kyle's Kitchen), 4018 Tennyson Street

*Or earlier, and not previously reported.

Do you know of any openings or closings that aren't on our list? Let us know in the comments, or send an email to

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